Friday, April 15, 2016

UPSC CAPF notification 2016 AC 270 apply online

UPSC recently release a notification for 270 central police force assistant commandant post they fill online application form before last till on 8th April 2016.

Verify the hyperlink given under for extra Govt Exams Syllabi:.

UPSC CAPF (AC) 2015 Model Question Paper Download.

UPSC CAPF notification 2016. The last date to submit the UPSC commandant jobs is 08th April 2016.

Written Examination

PAPER-I General Ability and Intelligence (Objective Type)

250 Marks

PAPER-II Essay, Precis writing and comprehension (Conventional Type)

200 Marks

PHYSICAL AND MEDICAL STANDARDS TEST To be conducted only of candidates
who qualify the written examination.
Interview for Personality Test 150 Marks

CAPF AC Exam 2015 Syllabus


Eligibility Criteria to apply for UPSC Central Armed Police Force vacancies. Interviews/ Personality Test: November 2016.

Thereafter, the next step involves planning your essay. • The tentative CAPF (AC) exam will be held on July 2016.

Candidates who are declared qualified in the Medical Standards Test, will be called for interview/personal test to be conducted by UPSC.

Before apply online candidates must have to read the official notification from link given below Fill all the necessary details in the application form should be correct & completely with true and best of their knowledge. Infrastructure: The Minerva Academy campus provides unmatched infrastructure, spread over 10 acres in lush green, pollution free, SSB like environment with on campus hostel and mess. UPSC CAPF Advertisement 2016.

UPSC CAPF (AC) Model Papers 2016 / UPSC CAPF (AC) Sample Papers 2016 / UPSC CAPF (AC) Question Papers 2016 / UPSC CAPF (AC) Guess Papers 2016 / UPSC CAPF (AC) Model Question Papers 2016 / UPSC CAPF (AC) Old Question Papers 2016 / UPSC CAPF (AC) Sample Question Papers 2016 Download for

Now nobody reads each and every report to know what excatly a person has cited as a cause of anything


No credit will be given for answers written in a medium other than the one allowed in the Paper.

Lots of candidates have applied for this examination and now all of them were very eager to download their exam entry ticket. Upper age limit will be relaxed in case of the job hopefuls belonging to reserved category.. Exhaustive Classroom preparation: With 150+ classroom sessions and 300+ study hours covering all aspects and entire syllabus of the examination as prescribed by the UPSC.

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